A graduate of Bethany College of Missions, Stan Schmidt and his wife Vangie worked with various churches in south India for one year. Presently working for the Bethany House Publishers, Stan has published three books in India for distribution among the pastors and other Christian workers, all with the focus on understanding and following the Word of God. Stan has written a large number of poems. We present here a collection of his recent poems. Stan's poems speak about the saving grace and the glory of the Lord, and exhort the people to put their total trust in Him. BOOKS FOR YOU TO READ
Copyright © 2001 |
Preface | |
1 | The Incarnation |
2 | Free by the Cross |
3 | The Pursuit |
4 | Not Left to the Mire |
5 | Shall We Go On Sinning |
6 | Legacy |
7 | Forget |
8 | To Write a Poem to Honor the Lord |
9 | Tell Me It's True |
10 | Times of Refreshing |
11 | Consistent |
12 | Undeserved |
13 | I Am Not Alone In This Walk |
14 | Divers Temptations |
15 | Lose Or Win |
16 | Guiltless |
17 | Trials |
18 | Redemption |
19 | Fanning the Flame |
20 | When the Fog Sets In |
21 | Selfless |
22 | Transparency |
23 | Stand In Awe |
24 | Divine Forbearance |
25 | Failure |
26 | The Yearning |
27 | The Furnace |
28 | Eternity |
29 | Drought |
30 | Stumbling |
31 | Heaviness |
32 | Passion |
33 | Arid Places |
34 | Smokey Mountain |
35 | The Missionary |
36 | Oh, Sometimes My Spirit Doth Sing |
*** *** ***
Poetry has always been a release for me. I cannot sing or play an instrument, so I have always expressed my inner feelings by writing poems. Even before I knew Christ, I wrote hundreds of poems to get out my frustrations or things I was dealing with. Now, I can write them to honor the Lord. I like my poems because they are short, yet deep. I hope they can be an inspiration to those who read them.
Stan Schmidt
*** *** ***
to ponder the wonder
that the Ancient of Days
sent forth the Word
into the redemptive phase
oh, to think of the riches
behind that event
and have a revelation
of what it really meant
to fall on our knees
and gaze up in awe
contemplating the plan
that was without a flaw
the Divine became abased
so our sins could be erased
leaving behind the glory
humanity He embraced
oh God what can I do
oh Lord what can I say
to consider the Incarnation
almost takes my breath away
*** *** ***
contemplating comes to mind
what gems of truth can I find
pondering the human condition
is it more powerful than grace
can we look into Jesus' face
and say He has left us alone
when He returned to His throne
are we not forgiven
and the Holy Spirit given
are we bound in a prison
ever since the Messiah has risen
truth needs to be forced on our brains
lest we assume we are left in those chains
brainwashing has taken its toll
let deprogramming roll
gouge out those habits of thought
cuz we have been bought
we have been filled
and depravity killed
we can get out of Sodom
and stop scraping the bottom
the Word has been spoken
and the power of sin broken
so don't be brain dead
remember what Jesus said
treat excuses with disgust
and in our Savior let us trust
*** *** ***
not only did He die on my behalf
He changed my life
and He washed away my strife
He took me under His wings
now a once wretched souls sings
I was an enemy
now I am a friend
my hard will, so far did bend
it broke
and with one stroke
the years of filth and shame
were gone in Jesus' Name
can the human heart understand
the vastness of such a thought
the depth of such a plan
the God of all
pursuing mortal man
*** *** ***
please don't tell me
we cannot get loose
from Satan's noose
his strength is not so strong
that we can do nothing but wrong
let us set our face
and run the race
I am not kiddin'
fascination with the forbidden
need not rule
our future is not that bleak
and the Gospel not so weak
to leave us in chains
didn't Jesus go through great pains
to set us free
so let it be
and count it as true
and He will see you through
*** *** ***
why would I choose to sin
I mean, after the Spirit came in
would it not grieve Him
and cause Him to wince
because ever since
the cross
and He becoming my boss
the sake of Jesus' Name
and His reputation
is not obedience the only option
in this battle field
so let us yield
and slaves to obey
so God's smile will stay
I dare say that Christ's honor
is the pinnacle of our faith
and the devotion of our soul
now let us make it our goal
*** *** ***
so when I am dead and gone
vacating this earthly shell
what story will they tell
what heritage
will I leave behind
a godly legacy
I hope they can find
when the archives
are brought into view
will the blessings be
but a few
oh God save me
save me from floating
and a faith that is
only a sugar coating
faith without works
is dead
I don't want to be found
hanging my head
when God has come to our taste
what a tragedy to waste
our moment on earth
oh Lord give birth
to vision and passion
where obedience is in fashion
*** *** ***
its been so long since bondage held me
years have passed by being one who is free
he who has the Son has life
he who has life has the Son
at times I forget what I have done
where I have come from
being one of the lost
as opposed to the found
now unbound
I try and think back
of what it was like
when sin was my friend
and not my foe
I had no place to go
except for the depths of Sheol
the most significant three days
of the human race
left us without a trace
of doubt
of what this God is about
He broke into my darkness
giving me a chance
not deserving even the slightest glance
God, don't let me forget
how incredible the regret
and the depth of my sin
when redemption entered in
being now so far removed
Lord, remind me once again
how incredible Your love was proved
so I will never be one who is unmoved
*** *** ***
well, to write a poem
to honor the Lord
can words be written to express
how my heart has soared
and climbed to the heights
since my Redeemer came
and turned on the lights
can the finite mind comprehend
the beginning from the end
the Infinite heart that gave
in order to save
that came
in order to tame
the wicked soul
to think of a God
who should have damned
and cast our souls to hell
to convince I need not tell
the Innocent pursuing the guilty
choosing to love and not to hate
will He ever cease
to fascinate
*** *** ***
did He really come running
can anything be more stunning
the Creator desiring the creature
are we truly the main feature
oh God, what do You see
in me
can it be
we are the prize
the apple of Your eyes
the greatest story ever told
thinking how it did unfold
blows the finite mind
God is certainly One of a kind
*** *** ***
I deem the necessity a delight
obligated to sit down and write
for the Spirit raises within
exalting the Savior from sin
bestowed upon me
mercy so rich and free
but the price that was paid
and the nails that were laid
supply the lack
the infinite lack
that I could never reimburse
for my freedom from the curse
*** *** ***
can I serve the Lord
without serving my wife
do I have a testimony
if my marrige has strife
can I go about my day
and say all is OK
when things at my house
you know, with my spouse
are not in order
and there is some disorder
inconsistency has no place
before Jesus' face
if we are not loving and kind
the word bogus comes to mind
*** *** ***
oh, to think of the wait
and the sin He did hate
oh, to think of the patience and love
instead of wrath from above
oh, the sin I knew
and hell was my due
but centuries ago
there was a cross
which dealth with my
filthy dross
why did He wait
and wait and wait
leaving open the gate
comprehend Calvary?
not a chance
but oh what life
by just a glance
*** *** ***
God open my eyes
so I can see
that there is mercy for me
coming from the throne
my true eternal home
that I am not alone
in this walk
where the evil one doth stalk
to ravage my soul
and destroy my goal
my God my refuge
my strong tower
let me flee to You
else I will cower
give me that Divine sense
that You are my defense
not my prosecutor
nor my persecutor
but my Shepherd
please remove my haunt
that I may never want
how can my paths be made straight
and my waters still
until my horrid ego
You do kill
come, my executioner
and do Your thing
so my spirit will only sing
of Your goodness and mercy
and my overflowing cup
oh, at Your table let us sup
*** *** ***
it seems hard to keep afloat
with so many things rocking my boat
does the battle ever cease
or even somewhat subside
too many attacks coming from every side
trying their best
to slow down my stride
I guess we need to be fine-tuned
lest we go the way of the ruined
not giving God our best
but being like the rest
God, let discipline flow
so I can continue to grow
*** *** ***
can anything be sadder
left with no say in the matter
born a sinner
never a winner
lest you, God somehow chooses
but all the rest loses
wouldn't that grate against the nerve
having a God like that to serve
if sin be a must
our damnation is unjust
but I think God is fair
and upon all people His care
as His reservations to the Feast
are reserved for even the least
God says, come to Me
one and all
and I will set you free
*** *** ***
is there another option of earth
that can free us from guilt
other than the foundation
that Christ has built
with His blood shed
and His rising from the dead
when the conscience cries out
so filled with fear and doubt
there is a door
a gate
that did negate
the curse
cancel the hearse
cuz what was once
seared and fried
and all but died
is now washed
and dressed
and it all started
when you confessed
*** *** ***
the burden of trials are heavy
testing for leaks in the levee
there is a cloud by day
and it lifts little by night
I could think
'what a fright'
'I don't want to fight'
giving in and giving up
it's hard to drink the cup
I can see
where our Master
fought the fight
and struggled with quitting
His example is very fitting
commitment to His Father's will
no matter how bitter the pill
*** *** ***
oh, I could have been left
satan almost completed his theft
of my soul
my surrender to sin
nearly took it's toll
my hook, line, and sinker
the devil almost had
I had one foot in hell
things were really bad
hell is the place
where the worm of lust
never dies
and the ambush of fear
always cries
but I am saved
I am not lost
words can hardly express
I'm free from that distress
hell is now not mine
my soul is fine
my horror, dread, and terror
I lost them all
in the sin-bearer
*** *** ***
maybe I'll pick up the pen
and see if the gift is still alive
if it did survive
the times of disuse
if you will: in the noose
but the thoughts may be flowing
as I put my knowing
into words
and rhymes
as I think of the times
when my thoughts are plenty
and my spirit aflame
but am I to blame
God am I clean
there is so much to glean
from Your Spirit and Your Word
may Your Word be heard
and obeyed
because of the price You paid
enough cannot be said
about You who rose from the dead
volumes cannot contain
let alone the brain
the depths of Your Person
to me to live is Christ
to die is gain
all else is vain
God keep me on the track
from falling back
then I can count all but loss
and all like dross
in light of knowing You
Jesus, You are the treasure
You are the inheritance
You are the portion
You are the prize
so whether one lives
or dies
we will always be together
regardless of life's weather
in our last breath
when we face death
hope is ours
no matter when
I rest my pen
*** *** ***
when you are in your valley of death
you know, near the shadow
it seems like mountains are all around
and questions and cries to God abound
is there no end to this depth
will Jesus come and save
or will I go to the grave
with this monkey on my back
bare obedience without emotions
am I just going through the motions
claiming Christ in word
but betraying Him in deed
oh, my soul needs to feed
on the living Bread
out here in this desert
just hang on
I say, just hang on
whether one year or ten
perseverance is the gem
God, till my last breath
I will be faithful unto death
*** *** ***
thinking about the testimony of my life
and it seems so dull, the knife
that cuts into this evil world
I mean, my edge
thinking about my pledge
how it's perceived by others
I think the trial smothers
the flame
but I'm to blame
by not walking in the Spirit
but faith can cure it
faith that is alive
and not dead
or just in my head
it seems I am consumed with self
can I see your needs
when my eyes
are barricaded by my own cries
God I forsake self
and embrace the cross
so that pride will be
my only loss
*** *** ***
you think I'm standing tall
and looking good
but my heart by me alone
is understood
'a man of God'
'a pillar' as it were
I beg to differ
the warrior is a child
and the war is not mild
at times my mind
is quite a mess
but I press on
where is our faith
as of late
circumstances need not dictate
there may be valleys
and there may be hills
but God said
"be still"
*** *** ***
oh the vastness of God our King
ashamed of how little I sing
for God is more wonderful than life
I say, for God is more wonderful than life
and depths of His wonders and love
may our hearts be set on things above
eternity will never get old
for His face we will behold
He is so holy
He is so great
so now I wait
to know Him deeper
and see Him as my Keeper
and the wonders of His Person
my mind cannot contain
for the showers of His nature
have only begun to rain
*** *** ***
I have wondered why God did
wait and wait and wait
why didn't He just
shut that gate
but years ago
when hope was diminished
there was the One who said
"It is finished"
that sacrifice
that offering
that incredible fate
is the reason why God
does wait and wait and wait
*** *** ***
on the post side of failure
just wanting to be a sailor
like Peter
who just wanted to get away
and hold reality at bay
solitude rushes to my side
and lethargy has taken over my stride
I want to get lost in my distress
and hide during this duress
but responsibility must return
and I once again must learn
that I have not arrived
no matter how I've tried
God have mercy on me
as I clumsily serve Thee
*** *** ***
when we see the character of Jesus
in view of our own
when we see how little we've grown
and that our hearts may still
possess some stone
do we flee in despair
and wonder if we will ever care
the introspection that breeds guilt
the foundation on which anxiety is built
'God I want holiness today'
oh, my soul longs for that Day
*** *** ***
I am in desperate need
but I don't have to bleed
so I can't have pity on me
for just remember Gethsemane
I'm in my darkest hour
I need God's power
the mountains are so high
how am I going to get by
tribulation at many a turn
oh, the trial doth burn
I know it's good for me
but right now it is hard to see
the chastening for now is tough
but I know it will yield good stuff
so please God by Your grace
keep me going in the race
and I will see when it is through
how much more I will love You
*** *** ***
are we guaranteed tomorrow
are we guaranteed a life without sorrow
invincibility is not ours
we have not those powers
some say survival of the fittest
I say
without Christ no one liveth
*** *** ***
with eternity staring me in the face
thinking my journey has been a disgrace
putting me head in my hands
I got a serious case of the blands
gnashing tooth on tooth
do I even believe the truth
hypocrisy knocks at my door
as my life becomes a bore
hello, can I come in
and interest you in some sin
leave it locked
or God will be mocked
if you play with matches you will get burned
and the Son of God spurned
how can you not run the race
when you look into His face
leave lethargy behind
and life you will find
*** *** ***
why even now
at this late date
does the lure of the world
still seem to fascinate
at times thinking
I have arrived
but come to realize
that I've just survived
I rise each morning
to face my foe
whose waiting to deal me
my death blow
smiling as he inserts his knife
giving it a twist
to add to my strife
I pray this monkey
would get off my back
so I could get myself
back on the right track
*** *** ***
in times of trial
when all we see
is the frustrating debris
remembering the promises
doesn't come with ease
and we are left with
'God help me please'
can anything come
from this mess
when it seems
that our righteousness
is barely dressed
when others look at me
what is it that they see
the glory of God
as He shines through
or the struggle inside
with this rising tide
as it is with the heights
so it is with the depths
....don't look down
no matter the onslaught
we will faint not
He will be with us in the fire
He will be with us in the flood
regardless of the heaviness
thank God for the blood
whether in joy or in sorrow
even if we die tomorrow
we will not waiver
for we will always be
with our Savior
*** *** ***
Holy Spirit continue to inpsire
so my passion would not tire
the preaching of the cross
the Gospel, the Word
in no way absurd
but the power of God
Who came to seek and save the lost
my Lord I count the cost
to preach
to teach
the nation's under satan's hold
those outside Your fold
for whom Your blood flowed
reconciliation, the plan of the Lord
justification for the ungodly
is what the Father has stored
up through the Lamb
who died and rose
how can we compose
ourselves with such truth
oh the unsearchable riches
the reality of the cross
the remission of our dross
sometimes redemption
and the freedom from sin
makes me want to jump
right out of my skin
oh tie me down
lest I float away
a passion for the Lamb
is what I pray
the blood, the favor
the Redeemer who bore
the sin
at times
makes my spirit soar
may the Gospel by our passion
the Word our fuel
and the Spirit the power
in this harvest hour
*** *** ***
with so many books read
and theologies roaming around in my head
does it even touch the heart
is the life changed
and unholy acts rearranged
seems I'm surviving arid places
as my heart braces
to confront the foe
who trips you when you are limping
and kicks you when you are down
but I'm still around
and here I remain
in spite of the pain
I'm still in the fight
but not in my own might
but by the grace from above
in the form of a Dove
*** *** ***
what keeps you hanging on
when you have let go
what keeps you fighting
when you've surrendered to the foe
what keeps you hoping
when living you just do not know
what rises up within
to keep you from sin
and pushes you into battle
when the fence you want to straddle
when consistency is baloney
and you feel like a phony
why do you press on
when your fire is gone
and you are discouraged to the core
barely getting off the floor
I sure do tire
stuck here in the mire
but the tunnel always has light
regardless of the fright
because God is alive
and that is why I survive
*** *** ***
God how will I fare
when my love seems so bare
so many people to touch
and in giving I don't give much
incarnated to others
but my self-centeredness smothers
the flame that would burn
boy I need to learn
that people come first
my bubble may need to burst
so Christ can shine through
and make my religion true
for what good is theology
if we love not our neighbor
and what good is boldness
if we live not like our Savior
*** *** ***
I was blind but now I see
my first love then was me
but forsaking that scam
for loyalty to the Lamb
who is the great I AM
and service to the King
oh, sometimes my spirit doth sing
*** *** ***